Invest Saint Lucia - page 10

10 | Invest Saint Lucia
clothing and some assembly of small appli-
ances and things like that. Over the years,
the change in industry dynamics and trade
dynamics, and the loss of our preferential ac-
cess to the markets, we’ve seen some changes
there. So, companies that we’ve seen come
in, a brewery is a regular example. We have
our own award-winning Saint Lucia Piton
beer, where they do the Heineken beverages,
which is a national brand, and we have other
products along that line that they do as well.
We also have Sandals – we have three
Sandals properties in Saint Lucia. They’re
one of the largest hotel chains in the region.
We have other award-winning hotels like
Jade Mountain and Chastanet. We have the
award-winning spa, which comes through
the health and wellness sector, where they
do a lot of therapeutic treatments and it’s
amazing what they do there. So we have
had some major investments that we’ve seen
change the dynamics of the country, which
led to developing some parts of the country
which would not have developed at that pace
should they not have been there. We have in
the south of the island, Baron Foods, which
is the manufacturer of condiments. In the
north, we have Viking Traders, which also
does the manufacturing of condiments. In
the Roseau area, we have Saint Lucia Distill-
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