BWM - Jan 2015 - page 22

Business World |
January 2015
the proper tools, technology, and expertise
to sustain this growth properly."
"The Executive team has extensive knowl-
edge of food production, menu creation,
kitchen design, interior decorating, food
sales, delivery execution and corporate fi-
nancial management." explains Pratt.
Pratt himself won the 2013 Ernst & Young
Entrepreneur of the Year in Atlantic Canada
for an emerging entrepreneur.
Bringing Efficiency to Quick Service
In virtually any industry, technology is an
integral part of advancing a business, and
Pratt embraces the changes within the ser-
vice industry, utilizing IT advancements to
improve the day-to-day operations of the
business. "Some still insist on using a pencil
and paper to do the same thing. Our point
of sale (POS) provider, East Coast POS in
conjunction with ALOHA and NCR can
calculate my daily sales up to the minute on
my iPhone. I can easily see my food and labor
costs from my mobile device whether I’m in
Paris, Dubai or simply sitting on my couch at
home," says Pratt.
"You can track who your customers are
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