Business World |
January 2015
With Barrie being ranked as one of Canada’s
fastest growing communities, this provided
the perfect market for their business as they
renovated old housing stock, built new cus-
tom high end homes and became heavily in-
volved in waterfront development projects
along Barrie’s Lake Simcoe waterfront.
Prycon started out on a solid foundation for
success. With the help of their Dad, Stephen
and Matt were able to lay out their mission
statement and core values they both inherit-
ed from their upbringing. After completing
this task, they knew the key to success was
to exceed the expectations of their clients on
each and every project. From designing and
building custom homes, additions and reno-
vations, Prycon continues to approach all
their work well-equipped with skill, experi-
ence, and unmatched customer care.
"Our professionalism and history in custom-
er service and quality product is by far num-
ber one," says Matt. "We consistently create
products for our customers that exceed their
expectations, and we continue to service
them long after our projects are complete."
This professionalism has turned their busi-
ness into a referral based company where