BWM - Jan 2015 - page 27

January 2015
| Business World
your brand is a key factor in the success of
any restaurant, as Pratt puts it puts it best,
"You can be the best chef in the city with the
best food, however, if nobody knows about
you then your simply dead in the water."
The changing landscape of marketing, spe-
cifically the influx of social media, has in-
fluenced a shift in how businesses interact
with their patrons. Maintaining an online
presence for Cheese Curds meant the addi-
tion of staff with the specific task of engag-
ing with clients on social media sites such as
Facebook and Twitter.
"In my generation it was all about word of
mouth and advertising," explains Pratt. "To-
day, social media is a critical component to
marketing yourself. Although I do not have a
Facebook account or active Twitter account,
I recognize that I need it so we employ two
people full-time to manage our accounts."
First and foremost, Cheese Curds' product
and dining experience are the key selling
points. With a wide range of gourmet burg-
ers to choose from - including 15 different
burgers ranging from a 6oz Black Angus
Beef Burger, to the more exotic Thai Chick-
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