BWM - Jan 2015 - page 18

Business World |
January 2015
quently use sites such as Trip Advisor to help
inform their decision on where to vacation.
Sandy Lane is well aware of this, and they
will be more and more active online moving
“We're going to be focusing all of our market-
ing efforts, and thanks to a newly appointed
consulting company they will be helping us
merge our revenue efforts together with our
social marketing efforts under one umbrella
which we call Online Social Marketing and
Revenue Management. “ says Mario.
"I'm sure that this will bring great results,"
he continues "our presence online has been
increasing tremendously, and using the syn-
ergies between social media, marketing and
revenue management techniques we are
hoping to reach half a million visitors on our
website this year".
Looking into the future, Sandy Lane hope
to implement a brand new green initiative
which will save on energy usage, and create
an opportunity to preserve the environment
of Barbados. It involves encouraging guests
to re-use linens, instead of having them
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