BWM - Jan 2015 - page 174

Business World |
January 2015
ment as well as the construction industry.
Which ultimately led us to Dr. McGuire, we
thought it was best to have more of an inde-
pendent viewpoint on the topic."
Dr. Michael McGuire, PHD in Metallurgi-
cal Engineering, was brought in to further
examine the positive effects of stainless steel
in both functionality for the building itself as
well as the environmental benefits. Explain-
ing the qualities of metal in greater detail, Dr.
McGuire says, "Metals are very different than
paints and organic materials, they do not ac-
cept radiation, they reflect it. However most
metals are covered with a thick enough oxide
that when they're hit by light, they absorb all
the energy."
"Stainless steel is very unusual in that it's ox-
ide layer is only a few atoms of oxygen thick,"
Dr. McGuire continues. "So it acts like a bare
metal all the time and reflects all kind of en-
ergy that's beamed at it, whether it be a radio
wave, a light wave or an x-ray, it's reflected."
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