January 2015
| Business World
values and helps to lower global tempera-
Explaining the finish, Halliday says, "Finish-
es like these are actually low energy surfaces
which repel dirt. By definition they're dirt
resistant or self-cleaning. What that does is
allow solar efficiency to remain very high,
because dirt can interfere with solar reflec-
"You have the sun’s radiation shooting back
into space without heating up the planet,” he
says. “And without heating up the building,
you get the benefit of an insulation value of
R19. So just imagine starting with that and
adding insulation, you can get to an extreme-
ly efficient building. "
"A finish that tends not to accumulate dirt is
even smarter, it not only looks better, but it
behaves better too." Halliday adds.
The stainless steel finish fromCMR will also
hold up over many, many years with mini-
mal maintenance, assures Halliday, “This
texture is on the stainless steel so 50 or 100
years later it's still that texture and still doing
its job. It's a long-term, elegant solution."
Elaborating on the longevity, and superi-
ority, of the Invarilux texture over a paint