January 2015
| Business World
have continued their innovative work, and
have seen their success grow internationally.
In addition, their latest dirt-resistant stain-
less steel finish has taken off, being used on
several high-profile projects.
"We've generated more interest in our prod-
ucts overseas since then," Halliday explains.
"We have also had one of our newer products
start to bloom; a product called Invarilux®."
The uses of InvariLux ranges from wall pan-
eling, elevators, to coping and trim. With no
coating on the stainless steel to deteriorate
over time, the product's performance can be
ensured for many years. With the growing
popularity, CMR has seen InvariLux used
in more projects, says Halliday."In the last
couple of years we've done pretty well with
it," he says. "We've had a couple of corporate
headquarters use it, and there's a project in
Chicago, I think it's Soldier Field under con-
struction, using Invarilux. It's a neat stainless
steel that resists dirt very efficiently so it's a
nice product."
Not only does Invarilux provide projects
with a beautiful, clean stainless steel finish, it
also benefits the environment. By maintain-
ing a highly reflective surface from an energy
standpoint, the solar radiation absorbed is
greatly reduced, which increases insulation