BWM - Jan 2015 - page 165

January 2015
| Business World
Speaking a little more on his own history,
and his focus on sustainability, Halliday says,
"I studied architecture, and I had an indoc-
trination of sustainability before it was cool.
Back in the 1970s we were all talking about
sustainability but not doing much about it,
maybe the world wasn't ready for us. But I
think it's nice to see in modern times that
we're embracing the concept at least. We care
about the issues, and that's a step in the right
When working with CMR, clients can ex-
pect only superior quality metals, which will
hold up over time, and outperform other
metals in regards to finish quality and per-
formance. Their line of architectural metal
products includes InvariMatteĀ® Stainless
Steel, a uniformly textured stainless steel fin-
ish which can be used in roofing, wall panel-
ing, and trim applications. As their reigning
sales leader, it has been utilized in projects
ranging from: The Hamad International
Airport in Doha, Qatar, Sacramento Inter-
national Airport, Houston State University,
The Boston Convention Center, The Art
Gallery of Alberta, in addition to many oth-
er projects.
Since being featured in the November 2012
issue of Business World Magazine, CMR
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