Business World |
January 2015
Briefly outlined within the Contrarian Met-
al Resources feature, was the solar reflectance
of stainless steel, particularly their Invarilux
product. In this special companion piece,
we spoke with CMR President Jim Halli-
day, Vice President Fred Deushel, and Dr.
Michael McGuire to learn more about this
unique quality, which benefits both insula-
tion values and global temperatures.
Sharing how the discovery was first made
while installing InvariMatte ATI 2003 Stain-
less Steel on the Hamad International Air-
port in Doha, Qatar. Much to his surprise,
the roof was giving off far less heat than was
expected. Of the discovery, Halliday says,
"We were up on that roof, Fred and I, with
some of our customers' people that were
installing the roof made of our material. I