BWM - Jan 2015 - page 170

Business World |
January 2015
coating, Halliday says of the coatings ,“The
problem is, as they age and oxidize, they lose
5% of their efficiency each year, so ten years
later there's a diminishing return. Maybe
you've only lost a third to a half, depending
on the environment, but you've lost a signifi-
cant amount of the solar reflectance of these
materials in a short period of time. You don't
lose any with stainless steel, so it's a perma-
nent solution.”
Moving forward, Contrarian Metal Re-
sources want to continue to be a business
which holds a strong focus on sustainability,
dedicated to doing their part to help the en-
vironment as well as their industry. They in-
tend to achieve this by educating others on
the benefits of solar reflectance, and provid-
ing products which can accomplish a high
rate of it . It's all about doing the right thing
at Contrarian Metal Resources, which is a
source of pride for their staff.
“Our mission is promoting a built environ-
ment that respects the natural one,” Halliday
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