January 2015
| Business World
ents, vendors and subcontractors. To me,
that award demonstrates security, longevity,
and a good future. It shows that Techmation
is a low risk contractor and the type of com-
pany that our clients want to partner with.”
Smith ultimately credits that gold award rec-
ognition to the hard work and dedication of
Techmation’s employees.
“It’s a pat on their back,” he says. “They’re
proud to say they work for one of Canada’s
Safest Employers. It’s also a comfort to their
Moving forward, Smith and Polsfut agree
that Techmation will continue down the
path they are on, and stay at the forefront of
health and safety.
“We want to win this gold award again next
year,” Smith says. “That all goes back to keep-
ing the culture alive and not getting compla-
cent. We’re going to continue educating our
employees, we’re going to continue with on-
going training, and we’re going to keep im-
plementing new programs wherever we see
there is room for improvement. We already
have a lot in store for 2015.”