Business World |
January 2015
calculate our TRIF,” Polsfut explains. “It was
tough to get the accurate reporting that we
needed in a quick time frame. So when Tyler
came on board, we discussed how we could
get better at that.”
The solution was an online tool called Op-
tic, which allows for the data-entry of all
the company’s leading safety indicators at a
branch level. Optic then allows Techmation
to identify trends within that data quickly
and accurately, which in turn enables them
to implement changes to their safety pro-
gram in an intelligent and efficient way.
“We are now able to get our safety reporting
quickly, identify high risk trends, and then
react to them,” Polsfut explains.
“It allows us to be proactive,” Smith adds. “At
the end of the year, we know where our high
risk areas are, and we can focus on them in
the upcoming year, and try to eliminate as
many hazards as possible in those areas.”
Techmation has been an industry-leader
when it comes to safety and compliance for
many years now, and has only become more