January 2015
| Business World
and reflective of its site.". Last but not least,
the Beach House. The Beach House is situ-
ated on the corner of the property, and looks
out toward the sea. The intimate 415 square
foot structure includes one bedroom and
one bath, and completes the courtyard with
its scenic view, beautiful stone clad walls and
copper siding.
On what the latest accolade in their long
track record of success and industry recog-
nition means to the firm, Sparkman says the
reception of the Casey Key Residence out-
side of Florida is a great affirmation of their
hard work. "I think it means that in a broad-
er context, people recognize the work that
we've done as being high quality and worthy
of recognition outside of our own local envi-
ronment. It's great to see people appreciate
and respond to our work beyond our own
geographical region," he says.
Relationships with suppliers and subcon-
tractors are key to Sweet Sparkman Archi-
tects, and just as the firmworks in close coor-
dination with their clients, the same goes for
their industry partners and suppliers. Work-
ing with the right people, and treating every
interaction as a learning experience, has led
to strong, long-term relationships.