January 2015
| Business World
the field,” he continues. “There are orienta-
tions on every new site, and our journeymen
employees mentor and train our apprentic-
es.” “We’re a big believer that our apprentices
are going to be our future leaders,” Polsfut
says. “So we have to train them appropri-
ately, so they’ll take on that culture of safety
they’ve been exposed to since day one. That’s
That culture of safety is valued by all Tech-
mation stakeholders, Polsfut adds, including
their employees – many of whomare long-
term, having been with Techmation for five,
10, or even 15 years. According to Polsfut,
those employees have stuck around in part
because they know that their health and
wellbeing is a top priority for Techmation.
Techmation’s focus on safety is also im-
portant to their clients – who tend to have
health and safety cultures that align nicely
with Techmation’s.
“We want to work with clients that have a
well-developed health and safety program