BWM - Jan 2015 - page 145

January 2015
| Business World
tle research and looked into what we can do
from here,” he said. “We actually had a third
party start fabricating handrails that will
collapse and stay attached to the equipment,
so once we get to a job site we put them in
place and know were protected. We’re going
above and beyond in that sense, but that’s
where we want to be, on the leading edge of
The project based nature of the industry is
maintained by establishing long­term and
solid relationships with clients ­ be it new
ones or returning ones. For Rose, under-
standing that past successes can lead to new
opportunities helps drive the demand for
W.M. Schultz.
Recently, an engineer approached us on a
project that was bid nearly a year ago where
the low bidder did not accept the project.
Rather than rebidding the project, engineer
offeredW.M. Schultz first refusal to perform
the work on the project as the second low
bidder because of the positive previous expe-
rience this engineer had with us.”
As safety becomes an ever­growing concern,
Rose realizes that W.M. Schultz’s commit-
ment to the cause will only strengthen the
bonds being forged with clients both old and
new. “Our biggest thing is pushing the safety
and the focus of it and producing a quality
product.” He said. “Safety is a big thing and
it’s becoming bigger and bigger in the indus-
try. It’s what clients and owners are looking
for and when they see that we mean business
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