April 2015
| Business World
¬– Spectrum’s longevity can be credited to
their ability to deal with the ups and downs
as they happens and embracing their role as
a supplier of sorts for broader set of industry
“Aviation is a very funny business,” Kovachik
said. “You’ll typically see a seven-year cycle
where it hits a peak at seven years and stays
there for a few months as airlines all around
the world are hiring. Then it drops off and
you’ll see it again and comes back up and
then comes back down and you’ll keep see-
ing that.”
“If you’re an instructor with us and you’ve
trained with us and you’ve built your hours
as an instructor and then you move on. I see
us as a farm-teamand then youmove on from
here,” Kovachik continued. “Typically you’re
not an instructor for a long period of time.
There are people who want to be instructors
for the rest of their lives, but for the most
part instructors are there to build hours and
move on to a different jobs – whether its fly-
ing corporate or airline stuff.”
Driven by a passion for developing and nur-
turing Canadian aviation talent, Kovachik
believes that homegrown attention to detail
makes a big difference when looking to hir-
ing the next fleet of hungry, young and exu-
berant high flyers.
“Canadian pilots are trained extremely well;
we’re one of the best in the world when it
comes to our training and if the airlines are
hiring, they don’t give a crap if you have a
university education or a college education,
they’re going to hiring you,” he said.
“We build our own little family at Spectrum
and we hire from within,” he continued. “It