BWM Oct 2013 - page 87

October 2013
| Business World Magazine | 87
he International Franchise Association
(IFA) is a Washington, D.C.-based trade
group and non-profit association repre-
senting more than 1,200 franchisor members, 13,000
franchisees and 650 firms that supply goods and ser-
vices to the franchising industry.
Founded in 1960, it is the world’s oldest and larg-
est organization representing franchising.
Head of Communications Matt Haller joined the
IFA two years ago. He previously worked for differ-
ent trade associations in a communications role, and
when an opportunity presented itself for him to join
IFA, he took it.
IFA’s mission is to protect, enhance and promote
franchising through government relations, public re-
lations and educational programs. “We want to be
to the go to source for anyone thinking about getting
into franchising or is in franchising now and needs
help,” Haller says.
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