BWM Oct 2013 - page 81

October 2013
| Business World Magazine | 81
oncoming traffic and having businesses
on a corner street to put their main drive-
way on a side street that flows to Hamp-
ton Road”.
Lastly, the beautification of this road
will largely be put in the hands of the
businesses it supports, not only giving
the stakeholders of the corridor the op-
portunity to add their touch in creating
aesthetic allure around their business, but
it also subsequently limits the amount of
tax-paid work that the Parks and Recre-
ation Department would otherwise have
to maintain.
It is in that concept that the strength of
this community can develop without har-
boring around one entity, process, or in-
dustry. The strength of the community
is from the community. An exceptional
quality of life: access to a beautiful riv-
er, enhanced by tree-lined streets, and
abundant green spaces, strong commu-
nity pride, and a well-managed fiscally
healthy town are only three examples of
this ideal before highlighting their solid
foundation of infrastructure in their roads
and town utilities.
“There are currently three other streets
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