BWM Oct 2013 - page 84

84 | Business World Magazine |
October 2013
tent’ will not be one of them.
While preserving the heritage and his-
tory of a town is a trend seen across the
globe, what is rarely seen in the same
area, is the devout sense of sustainability
and environmental management which
Rothesay has not only maintained, but
lead from the front.
“To demonstrate this, we as a com-
munity are subject to minimum regulated
standards the same as every community
in New Brunswick with respect to waste
water treatment and disposal, but our pol-
icy makers made the decision to be lead-
ers in Waste Water treatment,” McLean
advises. “The majority of smaller mu-
nicipalities in New Brunswick, includ-
ing Rothesay, treat waste through the la-
goon method, but we are at the pre-design
phase for reconfiguring sewage collection
network for the entire town.”
What Rothesay will be able to do, post
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