BWM Oct 2013 - page 75

October 2013
| Business World Magazine | 75
revenue stream to further support capital
improvement projects. MacQuarrie says
Lacombe will be the first municipality
in the Province to enact and benefit from
this kind of utility model.
Other benefits are anticipated in terms
of economic development. MacQuarrie
says Lacombe has met with principals of
a new bio-refining company whose devel-
opment in Lacombe is anticipated to gen-
erate buzz as a new green energy solution
in the manufacturing of fertilizer. Christie
also notes that the city has acquired land
to develop 15 industrial-zoned lots, sized
from 1 to 1.5 acres. He says the city has
been fielding interests from new business
interested in locating to Lacombe and he
expects that trend to continue.
The work continues in Lacombe, but
as Christie asserts, the focus on meeting
the needs of today is matched with meet-
ing needs tomorrow. Enhanced infra-
structure and increased economic devel-
opment will continue to evolve, begging
consideration of a lament often expressed
as to how soon youth so quickly fades.
With respect to this three year old city,
the transition to maturity is being marvel-
ously met with greater possibilities for a
growing future.
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