BWM Oct 2013 - page 71

October 2013
| Business World Magazine | 71
seen a major improvement in storm wa-
ter retention and transmission as a result
of this work,” says Mayor Christie. The
system has demonstrated improvements
in flood protection. There have been sev-
eral storms which have struck Lacombe
since that time, but the system has proven
to function absent of the impacts which
once occurred.
Lacombe is additionally working with
the neighboring communities of Black-
falds and Red Deer on a project leading
to the realization of a regional waste wa-
ter system. MacQuarrie explains that, in
terms of waste water, Lacombe is pres-
ently served by a lagoon site, but under
the new plan, waste water will be treated
in Red Deer. “It is an optimal treatment
process ... sending the water to Red Deer
will offer a preferred treatment standard
over what we presently have in place.”
Christie says the same regional col-
laboration is helping in the creation of
other storm water management solutions,
which includes development of a com-
prehensive watershed management plan.
“Our goal is to ensure development in
the future doesn’t come with expense to
our resources, homeowners, or decreased
protection from flooding,” he says. “Com-
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