BWM Oct 2013 - page 63

October 2013
| Business World Magazine | 63
the rules are clearly understood, and the
plans review process is fast and efficient,
whether that involves a multi-million dol-
lar facility or opening of a small beauty
salon, we can get the permits ready in as
little as nine days,” says Lonnee.
Newcomers will find another advantage
in a special purposes sales tax program, a
system that allows citizens to vote on the
capital improvement programs they want
to see fulfilled. Lonnee indicates this tax
program and voter feedback has been in-
tegral to Athens-Clark advancing in sus-
“The citizens have been very support-
ive and very active,” says Lonnee. “From
our restaurants and arts center, to our na-
ture trails and neighborhoods, Athenians
have a deep affection for this place. Lit-
tle kids love it here, retirees love it here
and college kids fantasize about coming
Lonnee refers to the current population
totals as “a sweet spot,” enough to put the
community on the radar, with room for
growth and still be operationally manage-
able with existing resources. Lonnee says
Athens-Clark is a very special commu-
nity, and rest assured, this senior planner
echoes sentiments shared by all when he
says the plan is to keep it that way.
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