BWM Oct 2013 - page 59

October 2013
| Business World Magazine | 59
Urban spaces have also benefitted from
sustainability practices that are as socially
sensitive as they are environmentally pru-
dent. David Clark, Director of Transpor-
tation and Public works, points the com-
munity’s use of innovative storm water
management practices. Landscaping has
been strategically deployed to mitigate
impact from runoff, and in other areas,
water pervious pavement is applied in
parking areas. The water seeps through
the pavement into the ground. Residents
also have access to one of the largest
mass transit systems in the state (a com-
bination of that provided by the county
with that provided by University of Geor-
gia). Clarks says reliance on mass transit,
along with the creation of bike lanes and
a network of sidewalks for pedestrians,
helps curb fuel emissions that would oth-
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