BWM Oct 2013 - page 67

October 2013
| Business World Magazine | 67
leaders came together three years ago to
adopt a strategic plan. As Chief Admin-
istrative Officer Norma MacQuarrie ex-
plains, “Asset management was a priority
focus ... we looked at what would be im-
portant to Lacombe in the future and how
we might achieve it ... a term of planning
must precede action.”
Planning evolved to address a range of
concerns, prompting a sustainability plan,
downtown redevelopment plan, a master
transportation plan and another in terms
of culture and recreation. There has been
a comprehensive analysis of current com-
munity assets and needs for the future, yet
as Lacombe Mayor Steve Christie says,
“We’ve taken some flak from some who
say we’re doing nothing but studies and
plans, but this has been necessary to set the
stage for implementation in the future ...
as we continue to improve our infrastruc-
ture, improve our roads, and improve our
downtown, we want to make sure through
all of this we’re being sustainable.”
That planning has already produced
tangible results, of which the most vis-
ible may be completion of work upgrade
and expand Highway 2Awhich runs right
“The Municipal
Heritage Preserva-
tion Award reflects
the City’s goal of
preserving its heri-
tage for future gen-
erations, and is a tes-
tament to the hard
work, dedication and
enthusiasm of our
program volunteers
and community
- Mayor Steve
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