building would have deteriorat-
ed to the point where the en-
trance fees and dues would not
be enough to sustain it.”
The redevelopment will en-
hance the family-oriented val-
ues of the club, which Dustin
also believes was necessary for
the survival of the club – in fact,
he believes focusing on families
is necessary for any club that
wants to last.
“Since 2010, over 400 clubs
in North America have closed
down,” he says. “If you don’t fo-
cus on diversifying your offering
and trying to stay young, you’re
not going to survive.”
“That’s why our vision is to be
the family-oriented athletic and
social club that people want to
be a part of for life,” he reiter-
ates. “That’s something we live
and die by at this club. Every-
thing we do here should relate
to that vision statement. Fami-
lies are what we’re all about.”