Construction officially com-
menced on the first phase of
the redevelopment roughly two
months ago, and is expected to
be completed in 2021. The club
will remain open throughout
the length of the process, which
means communication with the
membership will be of the ut-
most importance. So far, Dustin
says, the feedback on that front
has been positive.
“We do our best to make sure
membership is always aware
of where we are in the process
and what areas are going to
be effected at all times,” he ex-
plains. “We send out a weekly
email every Wednesday, and
every two weeks we provide a
longer Friday redevelopment
update. We also put out infor-
mation on twitter, Facebook,
and Instagram.”
The Royal Glenora Club has
been around since the 60s, how-
ever, and they have some older
members who don’t use the
internet. That’s why they have
also provided a “redevelopment
hub” in their main lobby, where
they keep print-ups of the rede-
velopment updates, and where
they display up-to-date infor-
mation about the construction
that is happening on that same
In general, the club puts a pre-
mium on communication with
their membership. Dustin cred-
its that communication to last
year’s successful vote on the re-
development. He recalls keep-
A huge