BWM - Jan 2015 - page 189

January 2015
| Business World
Composed of three business units - from
fibers for textile flooring, fibers for appar-
el and energy and recycling which focuses
on sustainability issues through company
wide support, the Aquafil Group has more
than 2,400 employees spread throughout
15 plants, three continents and 8 countries
spanning the United States, China andThai-
land and a host in Europe. With an influence
as far-reaching as this, Aquafil USA relies on
its relationships with its small customer base
to continue pushing forward.
“We are very customer oriented.” Rossi said.
“We try to build a relationship with our cus-
tomers which is seamless, where you don’t
really see the border between customer and
vendor. Our customer base is relatively small.
We have probably 30 active, repetitive cus-
tomers where our product is being specified
in their product.”
The seamless relationships can be attributed
to Aquafil USA’s internal vendor relation-
shipwith themother company in Italy, where
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