January 2015
| Business World
and of itself. And while business models con-
tinually change to keep up with the fluctu-
ating behaviors and changing times, Aquafil
USA’s business model focuses on transpar-
ency and fulfilling the needs of its customers.
“Some of the major carpet mills are now pro-
ducing their own fibres; so they’re what we
call integrated carpet mills.” Rossi said. “We
belong, evidently, to a different model, where
there is an independent fiber manufacturer,
which is us. So every day we need to prove
to ourselves and to our customers that this is
still a good model where each of us can spe-
cialize in doing what we do best.”
Rossi though, is quick to point out that there
are challenges with this model. But challeng-
es, he believes, can be dealt with successfully.
“The challenge here is really to make sure
that the relationships between the two com-
panies - the fiber maker and the carpet maker
- is as transparent as possible to limit or elim-
inate the wall which is in between us.”
By strictly managing the production process
and limiting inventories, lead times and the
integrity of the business relationship, Aquafil
aims to be an ever-present force in the client-
customer cycle, and not simply to behave like
a vendor, but to customize the entire product
process - from quality and features to timing
and delivery.
Looking ahead to the future and beyond,
Aquafil USA remains committed to respect-
ing the environment, growing its local foot-
print to better serve and supply its customers
with products that do not compromise their
stance on sustainability and economic devel-
opment, all while making the world a better,
greener place for all who call it home.