January 2015
| Business World
continue to invest in their flagship products
and their core technology of depolymeriza-
“We are very committed to this initiative.”
Rossi said. “The ECONYL Regeneration
System was launched in 2011 and we’re still
investing a lot to make the process better. It’s
not necessarily the most economic way of
making nylon, but we believe it’s the right
thing to do. In the long-term we still believe
we’re still going to be doing the right thing,
even if at this moment we may be at an eco-
nomic disadvantage.”
In a corporate society where global organi-
zations fill the customers’ heads with empty
promises, Aquafil USA’s corporate culture
remains rooted in honesty, integrity and put-
ting the customer and the environment be-
fore profits and plaudits.
“We’re not a Wall Street company, we’re a
family owned company.” Rossi said. “Aquafil
has always been in the hands of the family;
it went from first generation to second gen-