Business World |
January 2015
they buy approximately 50% of their raw
materials which creates a natural difference
between themselves and the competition. By
concentrating its resources and investments
on sustainable development, namely by recy-
cling and reusing products, Aquafil has the
opportunity to maintain full control of its
business processes.
“Aquafil is the only manufacturer producing
and selling a Nylon 6 polymer that is 100%
regeneratedand we do that withour ECO-
NYL® Regeneration Systemin Slovenia.”
Rossi said. “We recycle spent carpet and fish-
nets and convert them back into 100 percent
regenerated ECONYLfibres; recreating vir-
gin nylon without using any fossil fuel based
material. We do this because we try to be
respectful of the environment and not use
resources that are not indispensable just to
make what we make.”
With its industrial operations being con-
ducted in accordance with eco-friendly stan-
dards, Aquafil USA’s dedication to green
initiatives will not be compromised as they