BWM Oct 2013 - page 104

104 | Business World Magazine |
October 2013
provided a means of distinguishing envi-
ronmentally and socially responsible sup-
pliers by developing the industry’s most
comprehensive certification standards
which reflect best aquaculture practices.
An international alliance, headquartered
in Crystal River, Florida, the mission of
the Global Aquaculture Alliance is to fur-
ther environmentally responsible aqua-
culture to meet world food needs.
Communications Manager Steven
Hedlund says GAA’s Best Aquaculture
Practices program, GAA encourages the
use of responsible production systems that
are sustainable in meeting environmental
and community needs, as well as efficient
in providing safe, wholesome aquaculture
products to the world’s population. GAA
also serves to help communicate the im-
portance of aquaculture as a source of
food and employment. It supports techno-
logical research and the exchange of vita
information between its members and re-
search facilities, advocates for the indus-
try through regional and global initiatives,
and helps promote effective, coordinated
government regulatory and international
trade policies.
Hedlund says other NGOs have been
established over the years, but GAA has
distinguished itself not only through the
comprehensive nature of its standards for
production, but through market incentives
that prompt the genuine value in earn-
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