April 2013 - page 92

92 | Business World Magazine |
April 2013
facility in the British Commonwealth. HH
Angus went on to design for a variety of other
hospitals. In the early 1960s, their engineer-
ing contributed to the development of the
district heating system that serviced a major-
ity of buildings in Toronto’s downtown core,
with over five miles of underground distri-
bution piping. The system now serves over
130 buildings in the city.
When Harry Holborn Angus passed
away in 1959, the company’s legacy of in-
novation continued under the direction of
his son, Donald. HH Angus worked on the
military’s Semi-Automatic Ground Environ-
ment. Known as SAGE, the work was com-
missioned by the NATO. HHAngus helped
create the facility for continental missile and
radar systems to deter potential threats from
nuclear attack. It was a very innovative proj-
ect and became Canada’s first raised floor
installation for cooling. Moving on to oth-
er ‘firsts’, HH Angus provided engineering
services for the landmark Toronto Domin-
ion Centre, designed by renowned architect
Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe. At the time, it
was the tallest building in Canada. One of
the challenges met by HH Angus was de-
signing systems which could deliver building
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