April 2013 - page 86

86 | Business World Magazine |
April 2013
construction without compromising on the
strength and integrity their customers not
only depend on, but demand. Power’s con-
struction systems were devised after years of
rigorous testing and have secured superior
ratings complicit with seismic, acoustic and
fire/smoke-safety standards.
In the engineering of lighter structures,
foundations can similarly be lighter, and
the structure can still function despite less
favorable ground/soil factors. As these sys-
tems rely on factory-controlled pre-assembly
processes followed by on-site installation
of assembled units, projects are completed
with greater speed and efficiency. Semenov
says that all of these factors combine to help
spare customers from costs, time-delays and
headaches. In fact, there are plenty of engi-
neers who would validate that perspective.
As John Siefken of Siefken Engineering af-
firms, “Power Wall Systems Limited offers
building systems which are extremely strong,
University of British Columbia - Main Circulation
Distinctive esthetically pleasing angular ceilings, utilizing natural wood,
drywall, acoustical,and metal components.
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