April 2013 - page 84

84 | Business World Magazine |
April 2013
and familiarity just as one might expect of a
family-owned and managed business.
But, just as the name might imply, this
company resonates with a certain formida-
bility born through its integration of service
offerings, professional partnerships and the
collective expertise of its workforce which
typically measures more than 250 people. In-
tent in their effort to instill the aesthetically
alluring aspects of timeliness and quality in
all that they undertake, Power’s precision has
been exacted in applications among custom
single residences, multi-family low-or-me-
dium-rise and high-rise as well commercial,
institutional and industrial structures.
After more than 30 years of operation, the
Power Group has acquired such efficiencies
and insight in the range of material resources
which can be deployed to meet the demands
of almost any structural requirement that it
University of British Columbia - Pharmaceutical Sciences Building
This 133 million dollar, 246,000 square foot state of the art complex, which will
encompass all teaching, learning and research of the Faculty of Pharmacy.
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