April 2013 - page 83

April 2013
| Business World Magazine | 83
Author Ayn Rand once suggested that much achievement can arise from much thought, and
when you fully understandwhat you’re doing, she said - “that’s real power.” In the arising of great
homes as well as commercial and municipal structures throughout Canada, the achievements
made bymany contractors follow considerable thought about design, material applications, and
of course, who they should work with to get the job done. When it comes to walls and wall sur-
faces, there is one company who so fully understands what it is doing that it’s wielding of power is
not simply reflected in expertise alone, but also in the very name by which it is identified.
It has been said that one of the problems
with the world is that too many build-up
walls when they should be building bridges,
but to his great credit, Ron Rosevear realized
a way to do both. After establishing a firm
that specialized in drywall installation, Ros-
evear and his team successfully grew the op-
eration to encompass such a range of services
and connection with Canada’s community
of professional builders that his enterprise is
recognized today as one of the most dynamic
and leading authorities in its industry.
The Power Group of Companies, com-
prised today by three succinct service special-
ists in Power Drywall, Power Drywall Inte-
rior and Power Wall Systems, began in 1980
with the company’s incorporation in British
Columbia. Since that time, the company has
grown considerably in capability and size,
and has been involved in some of the most
sizable construction projects known to the
province, but Power Group’s General Man-
ager, Vic Semenov says it continues to both
function and foster the feel of friendliness
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