April 2013 - page 87

April 2013
| Business World Magazine | 87
non-combustible, light-weight, economical,
and have no shrinkage problems. They are
the first choice for low and intermediate rise
Dan Finelli of Millennium Engineers
further observes, “The most amazing aspect
of Power Wall Systems is the speed at which
an entire building structure can be erected.
This results in cost efficiency since many of
the other trades can start their work imme-
diately following”
Beyond Power’s innovation and exper-
tise, the company also maintains an im-
pressive record in safety. In 2007, Power
achieved a Health and Safety Certificate of
Recognition, which recognizes the firm’s
dedication to employee education and train-
ing, as well as their adherence to best prac-
tices and procedures in safety. Semenov ex-
plains that safety is consistently emphasized
through frequent orientations at job sites
as well as Power’s routine staging of “tool-
box” safety meeting and monthly corporate
safety meetings. Training includes adher-
ence to protocols of the Workplace Hazard-
ous Materials Information System, standards
that help prevent impact from the handling
or application of hazardous materials. They
also employ service from a Trade Safety Co-
ordinator who specifically works to mitigate
the potential for accidents. When deficien-
cies are found, Power is quick to respond,
and when safety standards are being fully
met, they are also quick to reward. As much
as that reward is about reinforcing positive
behavior, Semenov says the company cares
about its workers and wants to see each re-
turn home safely to their family at the close
of each day.
Today, examples of The Power Group’s
professionalism and craftsmanship are evi-
denced among some of the most impressive
structures of Canada. Through its relation-
ship withThe Guarantee Company of North
America, Power is capable of deploying mil-
lions in financial bonding capacity when
such is needed; another aspect that often
offers another measure of comfort to their
clients. And those clients, as well as the ar-
chitectural array of achievements which ex-
ist today, can all speak to the quality work of
the Power Group of Companies.
Semenov says that the Power approach to
any job follows what he calls “the 4-E Prin-
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