April 2013 - page 88

88 | Business World Magazine |
April 2013
ciple” – “It must be efficient, effective, expe-
dient and economical.”
He could have just as easily added an-
other “E” for excellence because this has
been a hallmark of Power’s handiwork. Such
is reflected in the University of British Co-
lumbia’s Pharmaceutical Building, a six-sto-
ry structure encompassing almost 23,000
square-meters of space which achieved gold
certification in being built to LEED stan-
dards and has been recognized by a number
of local and international awards.
Power also participated in the building of
the BC Institute of Aerospace Technology,
and garnered industry awards for their work
involving the ceilings of Starlight Casino and
Earth Sciences Building at the University of
British Columbia. From commercial jobs
such as that for Sears Canada, or Electronic
Arts’ impressive video games studio, or the
Sarah McLaughlin School of Music and of-
fices to any number of private homes and
condominium high rises throughout British
Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, and so much
more, the Power Group has been so integral
to so many projects and partnered with so
Rose Place,
Victoria, BC
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