April 2013 - page 98

98 | Business World Magazine |
April 2013
More than 70 percent of their portfolio
comes from repeat business.
To execute such strong customer service,
HH Angus and Associates relies on staff of
more than 200, including more than 50 li-
censed engineers and almost 60 LEED-ac-
credited professionals. High employee re-
tention is a source of pride within the firm,
and more than 40 employees who have been
with HH Angus for over 20 years. “We re-
tain very good staff who love to take on chal-
lenging work and who love to solve prob-
lems,” says Halpenny. “We’re always looking
for people with initiative who bring creative
solutions to the design process.”
HH Angus and Associates Limited has al-
ways approached their projects from a sus-
tainable mindset. Energy use and sustain-
ability are now major drivers in the built
environment, as owners – whether public
or private – are looking to maximize their
ROI on infrastructure spending. “It doesn’t
make much sense to design a building that
isn’t energy-efficient. From the company’s
earliest days, we’ve looked at how to do that
most efficiently,” says Bradley.
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