April 2013 - page 41

April 2013
| Business World Magazine | 41
vices with a characteristic home-town touch.
Healthcare providers confront a continually
changing mix of regulation and compliance
issues which impact the way claims are pro-
cessed, financial data is managed and infor-
mation is reported.
Keeping up with the information as
well as the regulations governing the report-
ing and archiving of that information could
baffle even the most
brilliant brain sur-
geon. What’s more,
hiring a staff to take
on such a Herculean
task can be costly.
W.C.A. Services be-
came successful by
eliminating costs and
time from the equa-
tion so healthcare pro-
fessional could better
tend to their primary
duty, tending to the
health needs of their
patients. In partner-
ing with healthcare
has additionally part-
nered with industry leaders of software de-
velopment and technical applications which
succinctly serve healthcare needs. For exam-
ple, through its relationship with Medix, a
company specializing in professional place-
ment services, research and IT solutions in
Healthcare, WCA is able to offer electronic
claims submissions and follow-up, financial
management & reporting, practice decision
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