April 2013 - page 36

36 | Business World Magazine |
April 2013
the first of its nursing students in 1890 and
provided training as well as a variety of diag-
nostic screening and health related services
well into themodern era. Education has since
become a function of the nearby college and
medical services are rendered today through
Jamestown’s W.C.A. Hospital. Other major
medical centers in specialty care are located
more than an hour drive away in Pennsylva-
nia or Buffalo, New York. When confronted
with an emergency, the transit time to local
or regional facilities could make a desperate
situation all the more dire were it not for
trained first-responders and EMS paramed-
ics who promptly respond to the call of duty
whenever the need demands. That training
required of first responders, as well as the ac-
tual team of paramedics, and the emergency
transport service by land or air, is all a func-
tion of a company known asW.C.A. Services
Though it began more than 30 years
ago by providing medical billing services
for private physicians in the region, W.C.A.
has since evolved to include transportation
services through a division known as Alstar
Ambulance and air-transit capabilities in its
Starflight Medevac service. While Starflight
has been critical in making more than 350
medevac transports per year, Alstar Ambu-
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