April 2013 - page 45

April 2013
| Business World Magazine | 45
launched with a single ambulance in 1984.
Three years later, through a partnership with
the Chautauqua County Sheriff ’s Depart-
ment, medical flight services were launched
and are facilitated today by two MD 900
helicopters. Starflight is based out of WCA
Hospital in Jamestown, but as the regional
medical transport of choice for air-based
medevac, the service covers a 75-mile radi-
us encompassing Chautauqua, Cattaraugus
and Warren Counties of New York as well as
areas of Pennsylvania.
The ambulance service provides hospital
EMS support, both urgent and non-ur-
gent, for the Cities of Jamestown, Dunkirk,
Fredonia, and other neighboring communi-
ties when requested. Alstar also offers basic
transport services, not requiring use of a
wheelchair or stretcher, and has even assisted
in transporting children with special needs.
Alstar was recently enhanced by investment
in new “power loaders,” technology that al-
lows EMS to load heavier patients in and out
of the ambulance through a motorized lift.
Thomas says the mechanism will not only
allow for greater safety of patients, but also
greater safety of staff.
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