April 2013 - page 39

April 2013
| Business World Magazine | 39
considers the words-of-thanks which came
from that stroke patient as well as the Eagle
Scout, but says these are only two examples
of lives which have been beneficially im-
pacted by this service. While not every job
equips staff with insight as to how their work
makes an actual beneficial difference in the
world, the 140 people employed by W.C.A.
may see such awareness as one of the vital
occupational perks. They have the letters,
testimonies and situational successes which
gratifyingly combine to create what Thomas
calls “the most rewarding job one can ever
While daily operations at W.C.A. may not
always be particularly dramatic, demand for
the company’s services are no less intense.
Such demand is bolstered by the sheer range
of services offered by this enterprise. Thomas
explains that all began in 1983 when health
professionals from the area found advantage
in hiring a company that could provide spe-
cialized financial services.
Through its Health Practice Management
Division, Thomas says W.C.A. Services Cor-
poration began life by offering big-town ser-
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