April 2013 - page 49

April 2013
| Business World Magazine | 49
system that requires Certificate of Need, es-
sentially licensing the services of a company
like W.C.A. to operate in markets where
need for such services has been demonstrat-
ed to exist. Thomas says he believes their
business model could similarly serve in oth-
er rural communities where needs similarly
persist. The company is looking into some
of those opportunities, but for now, Thomas
says W.C.A. is fully engaged in monitoring,
measuring and making enhancements to the
services it currently offers to its healthcare
clients and the community at-large. Though
it is a enterprise that functions with highly
skilled, life sustaining equipment and per-
sonnel, all supported by sophisticated tech-
nology, W.C.A.’s operations still come down
to serving humanity andThomas says service
to community is integral to their focus. Such
service isn’t limited to work duties either. For
more than 15 years, W.C.A. has partnered in
an annual golf tournament that raises fund
for cancer research. Over the last three years,
that event has generated more than a quar-
ter of a million dollars benefitting cancer re-
By continually focusing on services to
their community, by partnering with health-
care professionals and delivering the range
of back-office, transportation, training and
communication resources on which all de-
pend anddemand, the prognosis forW.C.A.’s
future prosperity is particularly healthy.
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