April 2013 - page 58

58 | Business World Magazine |
April 2013
fitness center is equipped with a variety of
resources to further promote good health.
In addition to the range of exercise classes in
which residents engage, they also have access
to the range of rehabilitative therapy services,
including physical, occupational and speech
therapy. The community’s art studio allows
for all forms of creative expression with class-
es that include weaving, pottery, jewelry de-
sign, quilting and painting.
“There are many opportunities for ac-
tivities here, and our approach is not just to
provide something to fill time, but offer pro-
grams that help residents enjoy a purposeful
life,” says Drescher. Frequently, residents de-
cide exactly what those programs will be. For
example, after a group of residents expressed
interest in French, the community went on
to create a new French Club. One of the
most popular resident activities is participat-
ing in the community’s 35 year strong Con-
tinuing Education Program. Also accessible
to the larger community of Madison, this
program routinely brings a range of speakers
who are leaders of enterprise, leading faculty
of University of Wisconsin, media person-
alities and authorities in a wide manner of
social, economic and topical significance.
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