April 2013 - page 47

April 2013
| Business World Magazine | 47
vide ambulatory service training in condi-
tions similar to what paramedics encounter
on the job. The training center provides ser-
vices not only to professionals in Jamestown,
but also for agencies serving in other areas of
the region.
Thomas saysW.C.A.’s interconnectivity with
healthcare organizations as well as more than
60 other ambulance companies throughout
the country offers an advantage in being able
to share concepts, best practice standards,
and awareness of issues and trends confront-
ing the industry.
He believes the shifting social dynam-
ics as well as changes prompted by healthcare
reform will compel greater demand for the
services provided by the company. Thomas
says W.C.A. is presently helping to provide
education to health providers involving the
recording and documenting of services to
better maximize on returns in the changing
nature of reimbursements are recovered. On
the transport side of the business, Thomas
says studies show there will be more than 30
percent increase in demand for service in the
coming future due to medical needs of aging
baby boomers and healthcare centers mov-
ing into specialty practices.
New York relies on a health services
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