April 2013 - page 31

April 2013
| Business World Magazine | 31
have a partnership with our members, and
we are collectively committed to promoting
excellence in the ALF industry.
FALA encourages our member ALFs to per-
form to the “greenest” of their ability. Many
facilities have efficient recycling programs in
place so residents can dispose of glass, paper,
plastic and aluminum while reducing the
amount of waste being transferred to area
landfills. It not only helps the environment,
but it allows residents to know they have
made a difference. Reducing energy costs is
another beneficial component in becoming
eco-friendly. Converting incandescent bulbs
to fluorescent bulbs and replacing old ap-
pliances can drastically reduce energy costs
from month to month and is just another
way our members are “going green.” We are
proud that our members are looking to the
future and want to operate their facilities in
a way that is environmentally responsible.
FALA has a website, Facebook page, elec-
tronic newsletter and email-based messaging
system. We strive to have open and frequent
communication with our members. Social
media has opened up a communication av-
enue that our members have enjoyed. We
not only post timely and interesting infor-
mation, but we can also share members’ ac-
complishments so other members can give
feedback and congratulate them. We also
enjoy sharing photos of events and newswor-
thy articles. FALA’s new electronic newslet-
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