BWM - Feb 2015 - page 61

February 2015
| Business World
Additionally, 60,000 recycle bins were
distributed to Atlanta residents, 100+
streetscapes were enhanced, and over 50 mil-
lion gallons of water have been saved annu-
ally through plumbing upgrades. The Office
also passed a Rainwater Harvesting Ordi-
nance to allow residents to harvest rainwater.
While most of the City’s sustainability goals
in the mid-term and long-term stretch well
into the year 2020, the administration em-
braces an all hands on deck approach to
reducing its operational costs and environ-
mental impacts. Most recently, through a
matter of simple due diligence, the City was
able to receive utility rebates to the tune of
$300,000 by simply reconciling its inventory
of street lights.
During his annual State of The City address
on February 4th, 2015, Mayor Kasim Reed
praised the resiliency of the city, “Amid the
most difficult financial crisis in over 80 years,
we rolled up our sleeves, turned into the fire,
and worked through the hardships to set At-
lanta on a path to new levels of prosperity.
We’ve seen a convergence of business relo-
cation, business creation and new develop-
ment that shows our city is getting stronger
and stronger every single day.”
“A successful Atlanta is one where everyone
shares in Atlanta’s success,” said Mayor Reed.
“I believe that Atlanta will not simply lead
Georgia or the Southeast, but that Atlan-
ta will lead the United States and then the
We have no doubt that with the leadership
of Mayor Reed and the Office of Sustain-
ability, along with continued collaboration
across stakeholdergroups across the city that
Atlanta willcontinue to uphold its iconic
legacy while meeting and exceeding all fu-
ture expectations.
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