February 2015
| Business World
The City of Atlanta is an urban metropolis
that continues to maintain its position as
a culturally diverse mecca. With Georgia’s
strong economy anchored largely by the
strong state and local government seated just
steps apart in downtown Atlanta, the City
continues to maintain its position as the pre-
miere Southern destination in the United
States for a multitude of reasons.
With a population of 5,522,942 living in
Metropolitan Atlanta, 444, 000 of which re-
side within the City proper, it is the ninth
largest metropolitan region in the United
States. In May 2013, Business World fea-
tured The City of Atlanta in an article fo-
cused oneconomic growth and green initia-
tives. Now, close to two years later, we caught
up with Aaron Bastian, Communications
and Project Manager in the Mayor’s Office
of Sustainability, to learn what’s new in At-