February 2015
| Business World
Founded in the mid-1800s, the County of
Wellington is one of Canada's oldest upper-
tier municipalities, overseeing an area of over
2,500 square kilometres that encompasses
seven lower-tier municipalities: Centre Wel-
lington, Erin, Guelph/Eramosa, Mapleton,
Minto, Puslinch, andWellingtonNorth. To-
day, the County of Wellington employs ap-
proximately 800 staff members and governs
a population of over 86,000 residents.
In recent years, the County of Wellington
has developed a sterling reputation for their
outstanding training methods and health
and safety initiatives. According to Human
Resources Director Andrea Lawson and
Health and Safety Coordinator Michele
Richardson, it stems from senior manage-
ment's desire to have "every single employee
who works for the county to go home saying
it's the best job they've ever had."
"Building that culture starts from Day 1 as
a new employee," says Michele. "If he's avail-
able, our CAO (Chief Administrative Of-
ficer) Scott Wilson will attend every new